Hi, I’m Cindy,
I have been in the helping profession for over 25 years. Seeking the answer to why we do what we do is my job and helping others to discover their unique way of expressing who they are is my passion. I have developed a deep respect for how much courage and strength it takes to face our demons. It takes learning to be compassionate and gentle not only with others but also with ourselves. I am humbled by the courage I see daily in my clients as they let themselves be vulnerable, are honest with themselves, release old patterns and become the people they wish to be.
I use cutting edge techniques like brainspotting, the enneagram, parts work and mindfulness training to enhance athletic, artist and work performance, relational skills, emotional regulation, reduce anxiety, treat trauma and improve quality of life.
I became a brainspotting consultant in 2011, developed the “Bullseye Setup” for titrating activation and recently developed a specialty training on applying brainspotting when working with LGBQTIA+ clients.
What do I bring to my work?
I follow through on what I commit too, strive to stay on top of the latest trends and solutions, adhere to the NASW code of ethics, am solution oriented, and will go the extra mile to assist.
Honesty with Empathy
Sometimes behavioral patterns or reactions can trip us up. When tough things need to be unpacked, I will give you honest feedback designed to help you sort through where you might be getting in your own way and stretch into new ways of being.
We are a Team! While you are the driver of your experience, I will work alongside you to offer support, resources, and accountability to help you reach your goals. I will assist you in drilling down to the core of the issues you are confronting and in developing a plan to maximize your success
Not all learning has to be serious business, sometimes the best way to integrate new skills is through play and laughter. I have found that learning to laugh at/with myself has opened me to richer learning and grow both personally and professionally.